
Grants for fostering institutional collaboration

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The Higher Education Compass by the German Rector’s conference lists 2,231 partnerships and collaborations between German and American universities. Germany offers a variety of funding measures for institutional cooperation to foster collaboration in existing partnerships or to support new research projects with American partners. For these programs, only German universities and universities of applied sciences can apply for funding. If you are interested in one of these programs, please refer your German partner institution to the appropriate website.

Please note that in some cases, a formal cooperation agreement between the partner universities must exist before an application can be submitted. All programs listed here are based on matching funds, albeit to varying degrees.

Research Cooperation

This program aims to intensify research cooperation within the scope of a concrete, joint research project in the natural sciences or engineering. German universities can apply to facilitate the mobility of undergraduate, graduates and PhD students, as well as postdocs and faculty. Projects may be funded for a maximum of two years, with up to 15,000 € p.a.

Individuals are funded within the framework of well-defined research proposals that require international co-operation. Special emphasis lies on the support of young scholars, i.e. graduate students working on their thesis, PhD and postdoctoral students.
DAAD grants an allowance to the German participants for travel and residence costs. Primary financing for the co-operative research project, including personnel costs, must be provided by other sources on both sides. More information can be found here (German only).

This program supports the early stages of planning, developing and coordinating joint research cooperation. Funding is provided to cover travel expenses (visits up to 3 months) and joint workshops. More information can be found here.

International Research Training Groups provide opportunities for joint doctoral training programs between German universities and universities abroad. The research and study programs are jointly developed and supervised. Doctoral students in the program complete a six-month research stay at the respective partner institution. More information can be found here.

Funding for student exchange and curriculum development

DAAD, with funds from the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF), gives financial support for international study and training partnerships. Through ISAP scholarships are given to German students who complete a portion of their degree coursework abroad at a partner university, with the added benefit of a tuition waiver or significant tuition reduction. German universities are encouraged to develop not only attractive courses for foreign exchange students, but also credit transfer regulations, curriculum collaboration strategies, and/or dual degree structures which will lead to the lasting internationalization of both partner institutions. Funding is available for travel subsidies, scholarships, insurance and tuition fees (up to 50% of regular fees) for German students; funds for language courses and tutorials for students from Canada or the US, and guest lectureships at partner institutions. Funding for new projects is generally granted for two academic years with an extension possible. For more information, please click here.

This program funds the development and implementation of international degree programs awarding a double or joint degree. For more information, please click here.

German universities may apply for funding to bring a group of foreign students (including Americans) to Germany for an internship visit. The students should learn practical skills through participation in lectures, seminars, workshops – all organized by the German partner university. North American universities should refer their German partner(s) to this website (in German) for more information.

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Screenshot of map with location of DAAD-office marked